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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-09-09  来源: 中国化学与物理电源行业协会


Electro-Rite® 锂离子电池技术

路博润隶属伯克希尔哈撒韦公司,致力于实现可持续发展的世界。 我们凭借高超科技,在分子层面开启了无限可能性,推动可持续和可衡量的成果,帮助世界变得更清洁、创造更智能、生活更美好。路博润成立于1928年,在全球拥有超过100个生产设施,销售及技术服务办公室,大约8800名员工。



Electro-Rite® technologies for lithium ion batteries

The Lubrizol Corporation, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, leverages its unmatched science to unlock immense possibilities at the molecular level, driving sustainable and measurable results to help the world move cleaner, create smarter and live better. Founded in 1928, Lubrizol owns and operates more than 100 manufacturing facilities, sales and technical offices around the world and has approximately 8,800 employees. Our portfolio of Lubrizol® eSolutions for Batteries includes a range of advanced Electro-Rite® technologies for constructing traditional alkaline to state-of-art lithium-ion rechargeable batteries. Our long heritage supplying the battery market has resulted in a robust offering and supply chain for materials that will impact customer capabilities.  For more information, including controlling slurry rheology,  improving dispersions, and enhancing flexibility in primers and binders, visit http://go.lubrizol.com/batteries or email Electro-Rite@Lubrizol.com.


关于我们:中国化学与物理电源行业协会(China Industrial Association of Power Sources,缩写:CIAPS) 是由电池行业企(事)业单位自愿组成的全国性、行业性、非营利性的社会组织。协会成立于1989年12月,现有550多家会员单位,下设碱性蓄电池与新型化学电源分会、酸性蓄电池分会、锂电池分会、太阳能光伏分会、干电池工作委员会、电源配件分会、移动电源分会、储能应用分会、动力电池应用分会和电池隔膜分会等十个分支机构。

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